Research Association for Construction Equipment and Plant Engineering (FVB)

Application-oriented research and technological lead are vital for the competitiveness and viability of any company. The Research Association for Construction Equpiment and Plant Engineerung (German: Forschungsvereinigung Baumaschinen und Baustoffanlagen e.V., short: FVB) dedicates its work to this topic.

Facts about FVB

Who we are

The FVB organizes and supervises pre-competitive joint research by companies in the construction equipment and plant engineering sector with partner universities.

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Benefits of being a member

"Collaborative research provides participating companies with an invaluable knowledge lead, securing their own competitive advantages."
Franz-Josef Paus, FVB Board Member

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Becoming a member

Individuals and legal entities, trading companies, and construction bureaus based in Europe (i.e., EU, EFTA states, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, United Kingdom) can become members.

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Proposing a research project

Members or institutes submit an initial project outline as a topic proposal no later than three weeks before an advisory board meeting. If the project is approved there, the research proposal follows.

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News & Termine

    Quelle: VDMA

    February 6, 2024/

    How can industrial collective research be successful in the future? How can companies continue to be motivated to research together, and above all, how can the FVB become more visible to the public?

    Quelle: VDMA, Verena Schmidt

    October 6, 2023/

    On October 6, 2023, the Advisory Board of the Research Association for Construction Equipment and Plant Engineering (FVB) met at the invitation of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner at the Technical University of Munich in Garching.

    Current research projects

    The FVB publication series contains reports on all research projects and significant events since the founding of the association in 1972. All reports are publicly accessible and available for download. Learn more about the FVB research.

    Decentralized hydraulic systems

    01.05.2022 - 31.10.2024

    The aim of this FVB research initiative is the advancement of a high-speed internal gear pump for reversible operation, as well as the implementation of greater component and functional integration to increase the power density of electro-hydraulic linear drives in a power range up to 10 kW.


    01.07.2022 - 31.12.2024

    This FVB research project deals with the limits of using electronic components and technologies for application in construction machinery and their attachments, based on the evaluation or classification of application-specific demands.

    Pattern classification

    01.07.2022 - 30.09.2024

    The aim of this FVB project is to expand the existing pattern recognition to include an automated pattern classification for interpretable evaluation of machine data. In this process, features are assigned to the patterns without significant sensoric effort, generating easily interpretable statements for the user, such as for efficiency improvement.


    01.06.2022 - 31.05.2024

    This research project is working on a universally deployable robot on the construction site, capable of building walls in a highly automated manner. The focus is primarily on the handling of bricks as well as the supply and application of bonding material. This process is based on sensory solutions allowing the robot to navigate reliably through the challenging environment and construct walls precisely.


    44 members are currently using the FVB to drive their innovations forward.


    The FVB and its members work together with numerous institutes and universities that make joint research possible.

    Struktur & Gremien

    The FVB was founded in 1972 and is one of 19 committees in the VDMA research network. Since then, it has overseen and finalized numerous projects of its members successfully. Four official divisions support the association. Learn more.

    Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bauer

    Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bauer

    Chairman of the Executive Board
    Managing Director Research and Development, Bauer Maschinen GmbH
    Jörg Hermanns

    Jörg Hermanns

    Vice Chairman
    General Manager Research and Development Construction, Komatsu Germany GmbH
    Werner Seifried

    Werner Seifried

    Chairman of the Advisory Board
    Managing Director, Liebherr Werk Biberach GmbH