10. Conference - Hybrid and energy-efficient drives for mobile machinery

The focus is on electric, hydraulic and hybrid systems and machines. Discuss practical experience, current solutions and upcoming technology trends in the field of new energy sources and converters.

The symposium on safety and driver assistance for work machines will cover topics such as norms and standards, driver assistance, driverless systems, data management and tamper-proofing.
FVB Advisory Board Meeting and General Assembly 2024

At its autumn meeting, the Research Association for Construction Equipment and Plant Engineering (FVB) presented new projects and plans to step up its efforts to secure additional funding.
Construction machinery symposium in Dresden

For the tenth time, automation, drive systems and construction methods will be in the spotlight in Dresden on 26 and 27 September 2024.
DLR as new project management organisation

A transition phase will ensure a smooth handover from the previous project management organisation to the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
Industrial Collective Research

How can industrial collective research be successful in the future? How can companies continue to be motivated to research together, and above all, how can the FVB become more visible to the public?
FVB Advisory Board Meeting in Munich

On October 6, 2023, the Advisory Board of the Research Association for Construction Equipment and Plant Engineering (FVB) met at the invitation of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner at the Technical University of Munich in Garching.