FVB Advisory Board Meeting in Munich - Full Steam Ahead Towards the Future
On October 6, 2023, the Advisory Board of the Research Association for Construction Equipment and Plant Engineering (FVB) met at the invitation of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Johannes Fottner at the Technical University of Munich in Garching.
- October 6, 2023
- 2:24 pm
With 60 participants, the Advisory Board meeting was held under the direction of its chairman Werner Seifried from Liebherr-Werk Biberach GmbH. Being a regular election year, the actions of the Executive Board were approved and all members of the Executive Board were re-elected.
Stephan Kessler (TU-FML) was bid farewell into retirement by the FVB Advisory Board for his years of work in research and interdisciplinary collaboration.
The question of "How can we make the FVB more attractive and acquire new project funders?" has been at the center of interest for some time now. The group has taken up the concept of "FVB 2072," which was developed on the occasion of the 50th anniversary celebration, and identified and elaborated important first steps. Representatives from the industry, institutes, colleges, and universities were able to participate in a survey, the results of which served as the basis for the major workshop in February 2024 in Frankfurt am Main.

In total, two FVB research proposals were presented and accepted at the Advisory Board meeting: AKA - Acoustics of Alternative Drives (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) and ResBa - Resource-Optimized and Circular Utilization Concepts for Construction Machinery (Technische Universität München).
Furthermore, the universities presented six pitches: Modular Construction Machinery Control Architecture (ifas RWTH Aachen), Modular Interchangeable Batteries for Construction Machinery (RWTH Aachen), Potential Analysis for Various Battery System Designs in the Construction Machinery Sector (RWTH Aachen), E-mAB - Electro-Mechanical Drives for Construction Machinery (TU Munich), KraDynExakt - Exact Calculation of the Dynamic Stresses of Tower Cranes Compared to Design According to ISO 8686-3 (TU Munich), TADCO2 - Transparent and Automated Documentation of CO2 Emissions from Construction Sites (TU Munich).
The TU Dresden participated with two presentations that were developed as part of FVB pitches: FLUID 4.0 and ProOpt.
After the discussions and results of the "pitch break," several companies expressed interest in the pitched topics, including: Schwing GmbH, Putzmeister GmbH, Bauer Maschinen AG, Weber GmbH, Wirtgen GmbH, Terra Infrastructure, Liebherr Werk Biberach GmbH, Wolffkran AG, and Liebherr-EMTec.
For two years now, institutes have been able to present their project ideas briefly and succinctly with a short presentation to pique the interest of companies.
There was also plenty of informal networking. The group gathered the night before for a typical Bavarian evening and took the opportunity for personal conversations.
Do you have any further questions? Feel free to reach out!