For the tenth time, automation, drive systems and construction methods will be in the spotlight in Dresden on 26 and 27 September 2024.
Experts and those interested in construction machinery technology can gain valuable new insights and engage in dialogue during two days of innovation, discussion and networking. The attractive programme of lectures from industry and science will focus in particular on the current topics of digitalisation and automation. The event, which is organised and scientifically supervised by Prof. Dr. Frank Will and Martin Starke from the Chair of Construction Machinery at the Technical University of Dresden, is sponsored by the VDMA Construction – Equipment and Plant Engineering and the Research Association for Construction Equipment and Plant Engineering (FVB).
On the eve of the conference, 25 September, participants are invited to a get-together in the machine hall of the Chair. The first day will conclude with a tour of the Gläserne Manufaktur | Home of ID, followed by dinner.
Further information on the conference and the programme can be found at the following link.

Do you have any further questions? Feel free to reach out!